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Under review:

  • New Protein Variants Resulting from RNA Editing May Lead to Proteotoxic Stress. Adi Avram-Shperling* , Amit Ben-David* , Ms Michelle Eidelman , Mr Eli Kopel , Mr Orshay Gabay , Dr Galit David Kadoch , Joshua Rosenthal , Erez Levanon , *Eli Eisenberg, Shay Ben Aroya*



Selected publications:


  • A pipeline for identifying guide-RNA sequences that promote RNA- editing of nonsense mutations that cause inherited retinal diseases. Nina Schneider*, Ricky Steinberg*, Amit Eylon*, Johanna Valensi*, Galit Kadoch, Zohar Rosenwasser, Eyal Banin, Erez Y. Levanon, Dror Sharon*, Shay Ben-Aroya*. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 


  •  Identification of exceptionally potent adenosine deaminases RNA editors from high body temperature organisms.​Avram-Shperling A, Kopel E, Twersky I, Gabay O, Ben-David A, Karako-Lampert S, Rosenthal JJC, Levanon EY, Eisenberg E, Ben-Aroya S. PLoS Genet. 2023 Mar 6;19(3)


  • Inactive Proteasomes Routed to Autophagic Turnover Are Confined within the Soluble Fraction of the Cell.Friedman K, Karmon O, Fridman U, Goldberg Y, Pines O, Ben-Aroya S. Biomolecules. 2022 Dec 30;13(1):77. 


  • Reversal of histone H2B mono-ubiquitination is required for replication stress recovery. Hadar Tzemach Korenfeld*, Adi Avram Shperling*, Yifat Zukerman, Anais Iluz, Hanna Boocholez, Lilach Ben-Shimon and Shay Ben-Aroya. DNA Repair (Amst). 2022 Aug 18;119:103387


  • Inherited retinal diseases: Linking genes, disease-causing variants, and relevant therapeutic modalities. Schneider N, Sundaresan Y, Gopalakrishnan P, Beryozkin A, Hanany M, Levanon EY, Banin E, Ben-Aroya S, Sharon D. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2022 Jul;89:101029. Review.


  • Spatial organization of proteasome aggregations regulates proteasome subunits homeostasis. Ofri Karmon, and Shay Ben-Aroya. Front Mol Biosci. 2020 Jan 9;6:150.


  • Regulation of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome by the Degradation of its Unassembled Catalytic Subunit, Apc11. Volpe M, Levinton N, Rosenstein N, Prag G, Ben-Aroya S. FASEB J. 2019 Sep;33(9):9752-9761.


  • Fe-S cluster coordination of the chromokinesin KIF4A alters its subcellular localization during mitosis. Ben-Shimon L, Paul VD, David-Kadoch G, Volpe M, Stümpfig M, Bill E, Mühlenhoff U, Lill R, Ben-Aroya S. J Cell Sci. 2018 Jun 27;131(12).


  • A-to-I RNA Editing: An Overlooked Source of Cancer Mutations. Ben-Aroya S*, Levanon EY*. Cancer Cell. 2018 May 14;33(5):789-790.*Co-corresponding authors






  • Lee Zeev Peters*, Ofri Karmon*, Rotem Hazan , and Ben-Aroya S. The protein quality control machinery regulates its misassembled proteasome subunits, and distinguishes them from proteasome storage granules. PLOS Genet. (2015)


  • Lev I, Volpe M, Ben-Aroya S. Systematic identification of genes that mediate the physical interaction between protein pairs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. Sep 2;64 (2014) (Book Chapter).







  • Fridman Y, Palgi N, Dovrat D, Ben-Aroya S, Hieter P, Aharoni A.Subtle alterations in PCNA-partner interactions severely impair DNA replication and repair. PLoS Biol. (2010)


  • Parnas O, Zipin-Roitman A, Pfander B, Liefshitz B, Mazor Y, Ben-Aroya S, Jentsch S, Kupiec M. Elg1, an alternative subunit of the RFC clamp loader, preferentially interacts with SUMOylated PCNA. EMBO J. Aug 4;29(15):2611-22. (2010)


  • Shay Ben-Aroya, Neta Agmon, Karen Yuen, Kirk McManus, Martin Kupiec, and Philip Hieter. Proteasome nuclear activity affects chromosome stability by controlling the turnover of Mms22, a protein important for DNA repair.  PLoS Genetics. (2010)


  • Shay Ben-Aroya, Pan X, Boeke JD, Hieter P. Making temperature-sensitive mutants. Methods in Enzymology, 470:181-204. (2010)


  • Shay Ben-Aroya, Candice Coombes,  Teresa Kwok,  Jef D. Boeke, and Philip Hieter. Towards a comprehensive temperature sensitive mutant repository for all essential genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Cell, Apr 25;30(2):248-58. (2008)


  • Shay Ben-Aroya, Michkovski P., Petes T.D. and Kupiec M. The compact chromatin structure of Ty repeated sequence suppresses recombination hotspot activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Cell, Jul 23; 15(2):221-31 (2004)


  • Shay Ben-Aroya, Koren A., Liefshitz B., Steinlauf R.and Kupiec M. ELG1, a yeast gene required for genome stability, forms a complex related to Replication Factor C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100(17): 9906-9911. (2003)


The Nano Center,

Building 206 room B-840
The Mina and Everard Goodman
Faculty of Life Sciences
Bar-Ilan University



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